Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Backup and Restore of the Cluster

I want backup my SQL Server Cluster (two nodes) and to restore it on other
two nodes on another site.
I need to know that procedure to test my DRP. I know that the best would to
have a geocluster but for now (budget limitations) I just want to be able to
restore the cluster.
I would like your help to point me documentation about how to do this
procedure or if someone has any experience about I would be glad to know.
Thanks in advance.
Carlos Eduardo Selonke de Souza
Carlos hi,
You will find plenty of information in BOL. Search by planning for disaster
Also, read the following article and it's links;en-us;307775
"Carlos Eduardo Selonke de Souza" wrote:

> Hello
> I want backup my SQL Server Cluster (two nodes) and to restore it on other
> two nodes on another site.
> I need to know that procedure to test my DRP. I know that the best would to
> have a geocluster but for now (budget limitations) I just want to be able to
> restore the cluster.
> I would like your help to point me documentation about how to do this
> procedure or if someone has any experience about I would be glad to know.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Carlos Eduardo Selonke de Souza
|||Hello Andreas
Thanks for you repply but Im looking for information about backup and
restore a VIRTUAL SQL Server running on a cluster to another VIRTUAL SQL
I am most interessed in how to restore the master and msdb database on the
new virtual server, since the user databases is pretty easy.
Carlos Eduardo Selonke de Souza
"Andreas Mavrogenis" wrote:
> Carlos hi,
> You will find plenty of information in BOL. Search by planning for disaster
> recovery
> Also, read the following article and it's links
> Andreas
> "Carlos Eduardo Selonke de Souza" wrote:
|||Hi Carlos,
If you don't have a different instance name, the things that you have to do
are to create your logins to the new server with a DTS Package and after
restoring all your databases, except master, msdb, execute the
sp_change_users_login (Ref. BOL) to assign the roles. Then you will be ready
to check and follow the article below.
Please, use them first in a test environment if applicable.
"Carlos Eduardo Selonke de Souza" wrote:
> Hello Andreas
> Thanks for you repply but Im looking for information about backup and
> restore a VIRTUAL SQL Server running on a cluster to another VIRTUAL SQL
> Server.
> I am most interessed in how to restore the master and msdb database on the
> new virtual server, since the user databases is pretty easy.
> --
> Carlos Eduardo Selonke de Souza
> "Andreas Mavrogenis" wrote:

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