Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Backup And Restore problem

Hi ,
I am trying to copy a Database from one server to another with backup and restore. The problem is that after restore when I compare the 2 databases I found some difference between Source DB and target DB.

I know its seems strange but its a fact.
I comprea the DB with SqlCompare and SqlDatacompre.

can someone help with thatAfter the backup completed, was there any insert, update, or delete in the database?|||Hi,
No . there where no changes, how ever the differnce between the 2 dataase are changes that were made a few hours b4 backup was taken.
I though it might have somthing to do with checkpoint so I run the command checpoint on database before backup and even shutdown the server itself ,however same results. I don'n know if its matter but recovery model is SIMPLE (it is a development DB)
Sandu|||What is different ?|||2 new tables and some data in other tables|||Just out of curiosity - have you tried the copy database wizard or dts ?|||No , but probably will not have a choice but to try this methods|||Well, I would try this to help troubleshoot.|||Hi,
Well the prolem with the copy wizard is that if I want to copy it to a differnt name I can't do it . if for example I have 2 servers srv1 with db1
and srv2 with db1 and I want to create on srv2 a db called db2 which is copy of srv1.db1 I have to rename Databases and I want other people no DBA to be able to do it with one click|||At least test it out to see if there are other issues. So, this sounds like a process you will repeat ?|||What type of interface will these users use ? And what will they have access to and what parameters can they change ?|||Hi ,
I am a part of a project develpment team , the projects has 2 databases
one is a metadata DB and one is the application DB changes made in metaData shold be transfer to Testint and QA enviroments till now we did it with DTS that moved the Data but this process had to remove FK and than Rebuild them so I thought Backup /restore will be better but then I found the diffrences so maybe I 'll go back to the DTS even if I don't like it|||It just sounds like your backup is not up to date - especially since the news tables do not appear.|||I perform the backup b 4 the restore I do not use Old backup|||Have you tried the same operations on a database like pubs/northwind - assuming you still have them - meaning creating additional tables, backup and restore on the other server ?|||going to try it|||I have tried this on northwind as follows:
created 2 tables on nothwind aaaa and cccc
on EM all tasks ->backup database I checked database complete and on options tab I marked all
I copied the Destination of the backup and opend another server and there All tasks restore database I changed the name to nwind then cheked from device paste the full path and file name of the backup file
then on opton Tab corrected the pathe of file location and copleted the restore
the 2 files aaaa and cccc are not in nwind DB
amazing isnt't it ??|||Try detaching and attaching the database.|||HI ,
Thats a good Idea will try first hting after the Weekend

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