Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Backup and Restore Publications

Hi All

I am using SQL Server 2000 with Windows 2000 Server. There are 3 publications in my merge replication I want to take Backup of my publication and also restore the existing backup of publication.

3 Subscribers are at remote locations what steps I should take to restore my subscription.

Thanks for kind response

FNKDo you want to keep Replication and run it in the new server where the publication was restored to?|||Originally posted by joejcheng
Do you want to keep Replication and run it in the new server where the publication was restored to?

Yes i want to keep the replication.
I have three publications configured on my server and I want to shift the Publisher database to new machine. I dont want to re-initialize the publications and subscriptions.
When the database is restored to new server, I want to get all the updates from the three subscriptions, since my last backup which is currently restored.|||When you change over to the new server, the name of the new server has to be the same as the old. Which means you have to change the old server's name to something else first. If the use the same server name, then you can restore the publication with 'Keep_replication' clause. Restart your subscirption after that. You may have problems with the Logreader. Issue sp_repldone to refresh the LSN number in the Logreader or change the system table. If the server's name is different, you need to drop subscription, restore the publication WITHOUT 'Keep_replication' clause, and setup everything from scratch. But you don't have to reinitialize the replication if you are sure the publication and the subscription are in sync. For more information check the 'Backing Up and Restoring Replication Databases' section of BOL.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!|||Hi joejcheng,

sorry I was unable to reply,

well, till now what I have done is, I changed the machine name with my actual server name, Enabled Publication, Distribution and Subscription settings and after that Restored my Replicated Database with 'Keep_Replication' Cluse and also Restored my Distribution Database.

I am little afraid with this statement from MSDN

"Do not synchronize the publication database with a subscription database that has an anonymous subscription. Because anonymous subscriptions do not have enough meta data to apply changes to the publication database, such synchronization could lead to the non-convergence of data"

Because I got Anonymous Subscription

What should I do now? I need to change my subscription and publication options?

FNK|||One more thing is that I got Pull Subscription configured on subscriber


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