Friday, February 24, 2012

Backup and recovery of SQL Server using


I have a small application in which i'm using Sql Server as Database. my requirement is how to take the backup of the entire database or some tables from the database when there is any delete from the database. My requirement is to do from the application.Hope i delivered my question correctly. Any little help is beneficial to me.



Try this one out...

Dim oDevice As New SQLDMO.BackupDevice
Dim SERVER As New SQLServer

Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next 'If the device already exists an error will result if you try to add it again so just resume next cos its already there

With oDevice
.Type = SQLDMODevice_DiskDump
.Name = "NorthwindBakUp"
.PhysicalLocation = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\BACKUP.bak"
End With

SERVER.Connect "Sanjib", "sa"
SERVER.BackupDevices.Add oDevice
BACKUP.Action = SQLDMOBackup_Database
BACKUP.Database = "Northwind"
BACKUP.Devices ="NorthwindBakUp"
BACKUP.BackupSetDescription = "Full BackUp"
BACKUP.BackupSetName = "By Sanjib"


End Sub



Here's my backup class of one of my project that uses Microsoft.SqlServer.Management:

public class BackupManager


Server srvSql;

SaveFileDialog saveBackupDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

OpenFileDialog openBackupDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

DatabaseCache dbCache = DatabaseCache.Instance;

private string GetAppPath()


return System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName



private void Connect()


ServerConnection srvConn = new


srvSql = new Server(srvConn);


private string GetDatabase(SqlConnection conn)


string[] connArray = conn.ConnectionString.Split(';');

string toMatch = "AttachDbFilename=";

string match = null;

foreach (string item in connArray) {

if (item.StartsWith(toMatch))


match = item.Substring(toMatch.Length);




if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(match) ) {

match = match.Replace("|DataDirectory|", GetAppPath());

} else {

throw new Exception(

"Could not extract database path from connection string");


return match;


public bool MakeBackup()


// If there was a SQL connection created

if (srvSql == null) {



if (srvSql != null)


string path = GetAppPath();

path = path += @."\Backup";

if (!Directory.Exists(path))




saveBackupDialog.InitialDirectory = path;

saveBackupDialog.DefaultExt = "bak";

// If the user has chosen a path

// where to save the backup file

if (saveBackupDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


// Create a new backup operation

Backup bkpDatabase = new Backup();

// Set the backup type to a database backup

bkpDatabase.Action = BackupActionType.Database;

// Set the database that we want to perform a backup on

bkpDatabase.Database = GetDatabase(dbCache.SqlConnection);

// Set the backup device to a file

BackupDeviceItem bkpDevice = new BackupDeviceItem(saveBackupDialog.FileName, DeviceType.File);

// Add the backup device to the backup


// Perform the backup


} else {

return false;


} else {

throw new Exception("Could not connect to database.");


return true;


public void RestoreBackup()


//database must first be unloaded before calling this.

// If there was a SQL connection created

if (srvSql == null)




if (srvSql != null)


openBackupDialog.InitialDirectory = "./Backup";

openBackupDialog.DefaultExt = "bak";

// If the user has chosen the file from which he wants the database to be restored

if (openBackupDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


// Create a new database restore operation

Restore rstDatabase = new Restore();

// Set the restore type to a database restore

rstDatabase.Action = RestoreActionType.Database;

// Set the database that we want to perform the restore on

rstDatabase.Database = GetDatabase(dbCache.SqlConnection);

// Set the backup device from which we want to restore, to a file

BackupDeviceItem bkpDevice = new BackupDeviceItem(openBackupDialog.FileName, DeviceType.File);

// Add the backup device to the restore type


// If the database already exists, replace it

rstDatabase.ReplaceDatabase = true;

// Perform the restore





catch (FailedOperationException ex)


Log.WriteLine( "" );

Log.WriteLine( "Error: (BackupManager.RestoreBackup)" );

Log.Write( ex );

throw new Exception("Error while restoring backup.", ex);






throw new Exception("Could not connect to database.");




It's not generic so you'll have to change some of the code (and translate to vb...) You can see the basic idee from the code above.

Good luck,


Hi ,

forgive me for the late reply.I tried the above code it is running after small changes to the code.thanks a lot





i hav the same problem...

" I have a small application in which i'm using Sql Server as Database. my requirement is how to take the backup of the entire database or some tables from the database when there is any delete from the database. My requirement is to do from the application"

i used tht abov code.. bt it dnt wok..

so.. plz snd me the code... plz its urgent.....

thnks in advance



where i can find DatabaseCache class i downloaded and install SQLServer2005_XMO.msi

but still i cant see that class, other code works fine.




It's normal, DatabaseCache is my own class that contains all the data of my application :)

Basically you need to remove that and replace dbCache.SqlConnection in the Connect function with the connection you use for your database.



my connectionString is

connectionString = "Data Source=localhost,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=myDb; User ID=sa;Password=saabc;";

when i replaced dbCache.SqlConnection with my own opened connection as "openedConnection", it compiled and executed, but when i click on backup button, i caught by following exception

"Could not extract database path from connection string"

Could you please change the code according to my connection.




My code assumes that a database file is used. So in your case the GetDatabase method fails to find the db file from the connection string.

Try replacing bkpDatabase.Database = GetDatabase(dbCache.SqlConnection); by

bkpDatabase.Database = "myDb";

or better yet to modify the GetDatabase method to take into account the Initial Catalog key.


|||Thanks, let me check it

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